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Week 6

This was our final week and we spent it printing out our designs, writing out our presentation and website information. Even though our prints did not work out at first, we finally got it. We had some serious printer issues and Stefani had to work with the guy from Baltimore to figure out what was wrong with the printer. They had to do it by email, sending screenshots and pictures back and forth. But that guy was amazing and really helped us finish. The issues were that the material was not sticking to the printer bed and the edges would come up, then the printer would start kind of tripping on the corners and it would all come loose then we'd have a big mess of puddles of hardened plastic on our hands. We learned a little about changing the files in the printer softwared, but mostly Stefani did that part and we just watched and tried to learn. This project was not only a great learning opportunity for us, but it was fun and a good bonding experience for all of use to work together on a team. We all got along great and really did good each of us doing our part. We didn't even ever fight or anything, just had a lot of fun together learning new technology. 


Through these last 6 weeks we have learned a lot. We learned how to design things for the 3D printer on the Tinkercad Site. We also learned ways that 3D printing can help our society and our community. It was also an amazing bonding experience and helped us get more involved with our community by helping them create a great space for everyone. We really loved being able to do this and hope to get to do it again in the future. 


We really want to thank Stefani and all of the people from the Idaho STEM Agency and the Discovery Center and especially those from Digital Harbor who invited us to be part of their FabSLAM Competition. The Idaho STEM Agency was really great to give us a printer for our school. We never saw anything like this and especially never thought we would be able to learn to do the things we can do with a 3D printer. We are excited that we still have our 4 years of high school to learn more about 3D printing and to hopefully get to be part of FabSLAM again.


--The FABulous Knights

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