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Week 1

We started our project by deciding on our team name. We picked the FABulous Knights because it was a great idea to us and because we all have good school spirit. We were all extremely excited to be chosen to do this. This is a great opportunity for all of us!


Then we decided on a project. With the theme cities, it was kind of hard for us to think of something at first because we don't live in a city. We live in a really little town way out on the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation. We discussed lots of ideas and one was to fabricate something to help one of our students who is in a wheelchair, but we just didn't think we would have time to come up with a good idea and design and really make it important for him. We still think we want to do something to help make Taylor's life easier, but we will have to do it another day. We ended up going with the Skatepark idea because we all really believe that our kids deserve a nice place to spend time and exercise and it would really help our town.  We are very passionate about the park and will take our design and project to the City of Plummer to see if they can help us. 


We had to go to the Community Center to the old tennis courts and measure everything. We then drew out a map of the space and did research of lots of skateparks to decide which types of obstacles we would like in our park. Once we decided on them, we started drawing out plans for their arrangments and estimated sizes. From there, we had to come up with the scale model size we needed. We knew we were flying to Boise and would have to have a small enough model to carry on a plane safely, so we decide the best scale for us would be 1 foot equals .1 inch. Then we got our thinking caps on and had to do a lot of math to determine the measurements for our scale model.

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